IFRS Foundation


  • GHG Emissions
  • Air Quality
  • Energy Management
  • Water & Wastewater Management
  • Waste & Hazardous Materials Management
  • Ecological Impacts

Social Capital

  • Human Rights & Community Relations
  • Customer Privacy
  • Data Security
  • Access & Affordability
  • Product Quality & Safety
  • Customer Welfare
  • Selling Practices & Product Labeling

Human Capital

  • Labor Practices
  • Employee Health & Safety
  • Employee Engagement, Diversity & Inclusion
General Issue Category
(Industry agnostic)

Disclosure Topics (Industry specific) for:
Real Estate Services

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Product Design & Lifecycle Management

Sustainability Services

In the Real Estate Services industry, buildings owned or occupied by clients generally have significant sustainability impacts. Buildings, and the activities that take place within them, drive energy consumption, direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water consumption, waste generation, and indoor environmental quality concerns that can impact the health of occupants. Companies in the industry have an opportunity to improve the sustainability impacts of buildings and their operations through sustainability-related services. These services may include utility data management, energy procurement, energy and water benchmarking, resource efficiency improvements, activities related to sustainability certifications, and sustainability consulting and training. Companies in the industry can further impact building sustainability by arranging leases that incentivize both owners and tenants to enhance sustainability performance, while yielding financial benefits for both parties. Providing these services can drive new revenue growth and increase client retention; effective sustainability services can benefit owners and/or tenants through improved asset values, increased tenant demand, decreased operating costs, and improved tenant experiences.

Business Ethics

Transparent Information & Management of Conflict of Interest

The business model of real estate services companies is dependent on client trust and loyalty. To ensure long-term, mutually beneficial relationships, companies need to provide services that satisfy the highest professional and ethical standards of the industry. Professional integrity is an important governance issue, as the range of services and the number of professionals within a single organization can make the management of conflicts of interest more challenging. Brokerage and appraisal services may come with particularly high risk of conflicts of interest and negligence. In order to manage and avoid these risks, companies in the industry can implement a range of governance measures, including employee training, oversight, and policies, procedures, and enforcement systems focused on transparency and appropriate disclosures. Effective management of these risks can lead to increased client trust and better brand value in the market, adding to long-term revenue growth. Inadequate management of risks may lead to regulatory fines and penalties, as well as decreased client trust and a loss in business.

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